Legal Talks
Логотип Legal Academy
Логотип Сфера
Miftakhutdinov Rustem


Senior Lecturer, Department of Enterprise and Corporate Law, O.E. Kutafin Moscow State University of Law

Areas of expertise: civil law, corporate law, and insolvency (bankruptcy)

О лекторе

Rustem Miftakhutdinov has a track record of over 20 years in the legal profession. A judge of the first qualification class, Mr. Miftakhutdinov served as a judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation before his retirement

Rustem Miftakhutdinov was on the working groups for the preparation of the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation On the Application of the Provisions of Section 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the SAC RF Plenum resolution On Certain Matters Associated with the Enactment of the Procedures Applicable to the Cases of Personal Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Citizens

Rustem Miftakhutdinov is on the cross-agency taskforce, working on improvements to corporate legislation, at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

He is on the working group of the Ministry of Economic Development of RF, dedicated to perfecting the draft bill On Amendments to the Federal Insolvency (Bankruptcy) Act and Selected Statutes of the Russian Federation, Regulating the Application of the Procedures of Scrutiny and Financial Rehabilitation

He is on the working group for the drafting of the Improvement of Corporate Governance action plan (“Road Map”) of the Agency for Strategic Initiative

Rustem Miftakhutdinov has taught at a number of higher educational institutions since 1999. He is the author of many publications on various aspects of civil law and insolvency (bankruptcy)

Дата записи:
18 мая 2017 г.
40 MIN