Legal Talks
Логотип Legal Academy
Логотип Сфера
Дискуссионная сессия


1 hour 54 minutes

During the round table the following questions will be discussed:
-What is lobbying and what actually lobbyists do?
-History of lobbying;
-Social context of lobbying: a civilized approach to advocation of private interests before executive and legislative authorities?
-Ethics of lobbying, interrelation with attorneys's ruler of professional conduct;
Lobbying in Russia:
-Legislative framework for lobbying;
-Lobbying and other ways of governmental relations as effective instrument against corruption activities;
-Specific aspects of lobbying practice in Russia;
-Perspectives on lobbying in Russia: legislative developments, social opinion and recognition;
International lobbying experience:
-Overview of international lobbying regulatory frameworks;
-Lobbying in the United States: comprehensive regulatory framework;
-Lobbying practice in the United States: practitioner’s view;
-OECD lobbying developments;
-European lobbying experience;
-International perspectives and significant developments on lobbying.

Дискуссионная сессия

Pligin Vladimir - Chair of Committee for constitutional law and state construction of the State Duma of the federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Brand Joseph - Partner, Patton Boggs
Malyamina Natalya - Ivanyan & Partners, Managing Partner
Stewart Catherine - Principal, Interel European Affairs
Susman Thomas - Director, Governmental Affairs Office, American Bar Association, editor of the U.S. Lobbying Compliance Manual
Tolstykh Pavel - Head of GR Research & Consulting Center

Дата записи: 18 мая 2012 г.


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